Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rush 2010

When I first came to Trinity, I told myself that I would NOT join a sorority, or even rush for that matter. However, sororities at Trinity seem pretty hard to escape. Even on move-in day there were countless flyers for sororities posted on my door. Of course, I took them down right away. Then, at the first party I was invited to, several Spurs and Gamma girls swarmed my roommate and me to convince us to rush! My roommate had the same attitude about rushing that I did, it seemed silly and unnecessary. After the girls spent quite a few minutes persuading us, we started to consider rushing- but never would we pledge. In the month between that first party and rush kick-off, I somehow got back into my original mindset of not wanting to rush. But my friends dragged me to the kick-off, where I met some really nice girls. I still wasn't convinced. I refused to send my name in for rush and stayed stubborn. My roommate, on the other hand, decided to sign up. She has been ridiculously busy attending events and meeting up for brunches with the sisters of Sigma, Zeta, etc. Last night I found myself with absolutely nothing to do (extremely rare) and a hungry stomach. Although my name was not on the rushee list, I decided to head to the 'Road Trip' Gamma party with friends who were rushing to get my grub on. When I was there, everybody seemed to have such a tight bond, and was so friendly to the first years. They put on a few skits which were welcoming and hilarious. Suddenly, I felt the urge to start rushing. Why was I so opposed to it anyway? I surrendered and put my name on the list. Hopefully last night was the first of many enjoyable rush experiences to come.

Creative Commons License
Greek Alphabet Sigma by Helt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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