Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Working in the Psychology Department

the secretary, lillian!
The first week of college was full of fun and adventure. However, once classes started and I began to be weighed down with a ridiculous amount of homework, it didn’t seem to be so fantastic anymore. And even worse, I had to get a job! UGH. (For any of you that don’t know me… I’m allergic to pretty much any kind of work or effort.) However, when I walked into the psychology department to apply for a federal work study job, I felt it wouldn’t be so bad. Boy, that day sure did give me the wrong first impression! I waited approximately an hour and a half to interview, but the supervisor never showed. I left my name and number and hoped for the best. This seemed to do the trick, since I got the job. Although I was wary at first, (mostly because I didn’t want to sit around for an hour and a half doing nothing again) working in the psychology department is not so bad. I get to meet all of the psychology professors, which is extremely helpful since I plan on majoring in the subject. Also, my work isn’t hard and I get along with my supervisor great. Plus, I get paid! AWESOME!!

Creative Commons License
lillian by chelsea is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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